A couple of years ago a friend from church invited me to a Bible Study. It turned out that this Bible Study was at a church in my neighborhood. Imagine that. I knew nothing about Aglow, I was seeking a deeper understanding of the word and relationship with the Lord.
I met Marlene Paprocki, Cheryl Sanders, Sandy Witt and Idella Nikolaus. I experienced so much love and the presence of the Holy Spirit. Not to mention powerful women of prayer. God knew what I needed and He delivered. I was fully embraced by these sisters in Christ. I am grateful.
Unfortunately, and fortunately, God opened a door for a full-time position at Carenet Pregnancy Center. Unfortunately, I would not be able to attend the Aglow bible study any longer. It felt like a sacrifice but I still had sisters that I could reach out to for prayer!
Then an email invitation arrived from Marlene. They were gathering to discuss a monthly Saturday Bible Study for women that work. I was so excited as I longed for this connection again.
Well, it was God's plan at this meeting to reveal the need for leadership. I answered that call and now I am part of Aglow. God is taking me beyond myself as He has me teaching and more. It is an exciting time to continue to learn about the Holy Spirit and my utter need for Him in everything I do. He has aligned me with Lissette Flores, a beautiful sister, and together we are leading Greenfield "New Life" Neighborhood Lighthouse. It is good to be growing and reconnected with Aglow and the various people God is bringing into my life.