Aglow began in 1967 with four women...

who expressed a desire to meet together as Christians without denominational boundaries. The first general meeting was held in Seattle, Washington, USA, close to where Aglow’s Worldwide Headquarters exists today.

The meeting drew more than 100 women to the Meany Hotel close to the University of Washington campus. It didn’t take long for women who attended that first meeting to invite their neighbors and friends to gatherings in other communities surrounding Seattle. As the word spread, new groups began springing up around Washington State, and within months, groups formed in other U.S. states.

Aglow Today
It would originate with an unprecedented move among women....

but would ultimately encompass men as well. From a small beginning, God breathed on Aglow throughout five decades to impact lives in over 170 nations. Aglow has been Spirit born, Spirit led for over 50 years. 

Today, Aglow spans the globe reaching out to women, and men of every creed, color, with 22,000 Aglow leaders worldwide ministering in their communities and nations, to an estimated 17 million people each year with indigenous leaders overseeing Aglow groups in nearly 170 nations. More than 3,000 Aglow groups meet worldwide, with over 2,000 groups outside the US.

To learn more about Aglow International please visit the website at Aglow.org.

Aglow Wisconsin South Area

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What Is Aglow?

The Aglow Story

The Aglow Story - Spirit born, Spirit led Since 1967