My spiritual life had taken a back seat as we were struggling with some issues in our marriage. My sister was having her own struggles too. She and I talked a lot and we realized our need for more connection with God in our lives. I thank God for her. She and I went to events and prayer groups in the Charismatic Renewal starting in 1974.
Then in 1975 she also invited me to an Aglow Milwaukee "Genesis" luncheon where we heard an amazing testimony that really impacted me. Thus began my journey with Aglow after I received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and really understood how important having a close relationship with God is. I remember the first Aglow Wisconsin retreat at Green Lake where Jesus healed me of so much in my past.
I also connected with a weekly Aglow Bible Study led by Fay Kolster. It began in 1972 and is still going today, as Fay mentored me to take it over. She went home to glory in 2023.
I was a stay-at-home mom until our 3 sons – Steve, Craig and Todd – were in school. Then I was able to just work part-time until they were grown. Jesus was with us and Holy Spirit directed me to various helps, some of which were for both my husband and me: Marriage Encounter, Al Anon, and counselors. I saw God at work. In 2002 my husband was saved. He became sick and died in 2010 after a wonderful vacation visiting family out west.
Aglow definitely helped me keep my focus and grow spiritually, learning to have a better attitude and life skills through the wisdom of the bible. Phil 4:4-6 was my verse that helped me get rid of negativity and shape the new me:
“Rejoice! …The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”
My husband and I were married almost 45 years before he went to his heavenly home in 2010. My sons are all married and have given me 7 grandchildren – 2 girls and 5 boys. They are all such a blessing in my life, as I am in theirs.
I had become involved in leadership in Aglow Milwaukee "Genesis" as Administrator in 2002, then as President from 2004 to 2010. I was so blessed to join Aglow on 2 trips to Israel – 2007 and 2019 – I will never forget my tears of joy when we passed Jerusalem on the bus from the airport the first time.
In 2013 I became VP of Public Relations on the Wisconsin South Area Team, later adding VP of Financial Development. Today I still serve in those positions, loving our God and using my talents to serve His Kingdom in Aglow. It keeps me involved and gives eternal purpose to my life.
I give all the glory to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Marlene Paprocki