How We Got To Where We Are
A Brief History of Aglow’a Apostolic Endtime Calls
Since 1967, God has been sovereignly speaking to Aglow about His purposes in the earth and Aglow’s part in those purposes. In the past four years, those purposes have crystallized as the three apostolic calls. They are prophetic and end-time in nature: Male/Female Reconciliation, Islam, and Israel.
- In 1981, Aglow President Jane Hansen Hoyt began to speak the unfolding revelation God was imparting to her heart concerning the restoration of women and the significance of their role in His plan. It led to the critical issue of male/female reconciliation in the body of Christ. Since 1981, He has expanded and increased that prophetic message, eloquently outlined in Jane Hansen’s book, Fashioned for Intimacy, and Master Plan. This end-time message communicates God’s purpose from the beginning (Genesis 1:26-28): to have a family, a people who would share His life, nature, spirit, vision, and purpose, and through whom He would express His life, power, and glory in the earth. It would take male and female together to fulfill His plan and purpose. The restoration of this foundational relationship is necessary before the Church can be fully restored and fulfill its destiny to express God’s image and take dominion in the earth.
- In 1991, 1993 (and again, 1995 specifically), God prophetically spoke to Aglow regarding Islam. Recognizing that the system of Islam is the single greatest spirit of anti-Christ in the world today, Aglow has been called to expose the system, bringing awareness to the body of Christ, while loving the Muslim people by reaching out to them in love with the gospel of Jesus Christ. This mandate, too, has grown and expanded in the past 13 years with evidence of its apostolic nature in the increased
number of Muslim nations in which Aglow has become established.
- In 2001, God spoke again prophetically to the ministry of Aglow, this time related to Israel. He called us to stand with and support the nation of Israel and the Jewish people, and honor them as our elder brothers and sisters…they are the “root” from which we have been taken (Romans 11:18.) We acknowledge it is through them that we, as Christians, have been able to enter into a relationship with God. In a sense, the call to Israel is similar to the call to Islam:
- Expose the Haman spirit which seeks to destroy the Jewish people, currently through antiSemitism and Replacement Theology, repenting first in our own hearts, then in the Church;
- Love, support, honor, and esteem the Jewish people as the root from which we were taken (Romans 11:18.)
It was when the call to Israel came to the ministry, that we were able to clearly identify that the two previous calls were part of a larger picture. Though we had been “walking out” male/female reconciliation and the call to the Muslim world through prayer activities, providing educational materials, and training opportunities, the strategic significance of all three foundational truths came together when God gave the third piece, Israel.
We saw that each one individually was a powerful end-time call, apostolic as well as prophetic in nature: no less than the restoration of the Church and the role of Israel and Islam in the last days. God has been restoring women through Aglow, not only for their personal lives, marriages, and families, but that they might understand and participate in His larger purposes in the earth today.